
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Super Bowl Media Coverage

Let me preface this article by saying that I would love nothing more than to be involved at media day during Super Bowl week.  Especially this year, given the location.  However, I'm still of the opinion that media members who have no business covering the teams in the Super Bowl shouldn't be at the Super Bowl!  Media attention at the big game should, and always will be, bigger than any game of the season, but that doesn't entitle everyone and their mother to get media passes and interview hundreds of people with zero relevance to the game itself.  There are other ways to do that.

I listen to 104.5 The Zone in Nashville daily and they're going to be on radio row next week at the Super Bowl. WHY? They have nothing to do with the city of New York, The Denver Broncos, or the Seattle Seahawks.  They don't deserve a ticket.  It can be entertaining to hear some of their interviews with washed up quarterbacks or celebrity pop stars, but it's way over done.  The circus that surrounds the big game can be a bit ridiculous.

Yes, having media days may be good for fair-weather sports fans who don't have a dog in the hunt, but the game is played to find out who will be the champions of the world.  Throwing unnecessary media in the vicinity is disrespectful to those who have worked so hard.  Have more media than any other game, but don't have everyone and their mother covering the Super Bowl.

Trey Frisbey
Boy Meets Sports
Twitter: @boymeetsports

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