
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Great Sports Movies You May Have Forgotten

Sports flicks have been around forever and that's not changing.  We all know some of the best ones like "The Sandlot" and "Remember the Titans", but we also forget some solid sports movies that become forgotten as time goes on.  Here is a reminder of some good sports movies that you'll want to revisit after reading this.

5. The Little Giants

Remember "the anexation of puerto rico"? Of course you do! But I bet you don't think about it too often. Go watch the "The Little Giants" and remember your childhood.  

4. the garbage picking field goal kicking philadelphia phenomenon

That's right.  I pulled this card.  There are nine parts on YouTube which shows the entire film. You can also  Here (amazon link)

3. Angels In The Endzone

I apologize for the quality of the video, but this was an underrated sequel! Either that, or I was too young the last time I saw it.  You know, that age when you think every movie is outstanding.

2. The Rookie

No, not "Rookie of the Year". This movie isn't underrated at all.  Most that have seen it, love it.  It's not talked about much, though.  It's one of those movies that "fall through the cracks", when great sports movies are brought up. Go watch it.  You might cry.

1. Hard Ball

Not sure if it has survived the test of time or not, but I never hear much about it.  It's not bad at all! Go check it out.  "I love it when you call me big papa".

Those are just five of the movies that came to mind when I starting digging through parts of the brain that hold that library of my forgotten past.  Feel free to add more in the comments!

Trey Frisbey
Boy Meets Sports
Twitter: @boymeetsports

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