
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

LeBroning: The Next Internet Craze

Planking, Tebowing, and the Harlem Shake are some of the most well-known internet crazes that have taken social media by storm over the past few years.  They were all short lived but all had a crazy impact on the young culture in the United States.  Vine, Instagram, and YouTube are the biggest outlets for  young people to use in the 21st century.  When a craze like these storms the internet, everyone gets involved.  Is it dumb as hell? Yes.  Does it have a purpose? I'm not really sure. It does, however, seem to bring people from all over the world together.  It makes people feel like they are part of a group in society.  It gives people the sense that they can get famous by shooting a quick video and posting on the internet in a matter of seconds.

It's been awhile since we've had a sports related internet craze that required people to require action on picture or video.  For a while, Tebowing was going on everywhere.  Hell even I wanted to pose with celebs while Tebowing with them.

Monday, a new internet craze surfaced.  It's called "LeBroning".  It consists of people slowly walking into people and hitting the ground hard.  They flop.  I want to participate in this crazy ass project at walmart this week.  We'll see how it goes, but it seems really awesome.  I can't wait to "LeBron" this weekend in Walmart or Kroger.  I can't wait to see that old ladies' face!

Keep up the good work young people.  Keep giving the internet ways to improve and entertain.  Without you, I don't know how we'd get through an entire NFL or college football offseason.  Oh, and yes, I am a young person.  I should be inventing things like this.  Instead, I'm writing about them like I'm a 70 year old journalist.  Oh well.

Trey Frisbey
Boy Meets Sports
Twitter: @boymeetsports

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